Sports & other activities
Advent Of Code
Advent of code is a coding game that takes place once a year. As the name suggests, Advent of code is an advent calendar : each day from december one to 25, a coding puzzle is published, and player can use whatever coding language, software they like to try to solve it (there is even a leaderboard for the fastest peoples !).
Advent of code is one of the things I code in my free time that I really enjoy : It helped me learn new languages through fun puzzles, help to stay in touch with coding during breaks, that’s why i really recommend it to anyone looking for something to code in their free time !
Capture The Flag
I have been learning a lot through hobbies, especially CTF. I have completed the OverTheWire Bandit CTF, which helped me a lot in the process of learning and mastering the linux environment. I plan on doing multiple CTF throughout the years, because they each have specificities that makes them unique and educational.